We work with solar PV installers, Housing Associations, Landlords and Property Developers to supply smart home microgrid solutions.
With high energy prices, the increasing cost of living and the rise of fuel poverty, more homeowners and housing providers are installing solar PV and battery storage to help save money.
Our smart home microgrid solutions are “plug and play” and easy to install. We offer a range of systems for homes large or small including:
Hybrid inverters ranging between 3kW and 5kW
Battery storage at 5kW, 10kWh +
All our microgrid systems come complete with a smart phone app for manual control and performance monitoring.
Taking that a step further, our cloud-based smart microgrid controller automates and optimises the microgrid to maximise the use of the lowest cost electricity to save even more money on electricity bills.
Download our brochure and get in touch to find out more.

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